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Anthony Cusimano


Portfolio Assignment


Meaningful Topics I learned in CISB 11

            When I enrolled into the CISB 11 course at Mt. Sac, it was only for the purpose of satisfying course requirements for my major to transfer to a university.  But now, after going through the course and learning so much invaluable material, I learned that I have gotten so much more than just a course fulfillment for the next stage in my college career.  When I leave this course I will be taking with me many valuable lessons learned that I know I will use in the future.   Some of the most important and valuable bits of information I will take with me in the future consist of but are not limited to; a basic understanding of the inner workings of a PC as well as other valuable parts that are integral in the computers ability to function at a high level, knowledge gained in the realm of different types of software like spreadsheets, as well as a base understanding of how a website is made and operated.

            Having a basic understanding of how a PC works and the inner workings of a PC is a very important tool to have in anyone’s future since computers are extremely important to our society.  If you have a problem with your computer and you don’t know that much about them, you will surely get stuck and need to rely on others for assistance. But if you understand computers you can easily solve the problem yourself and be on your way, thus saving you or your company a whole lot of time.  As a job seeker, businesses looking to hire potential junior analysts will want a person with a good skill set with computers so that they can hit the ground running on day one.

            Going off of my last point about being a job seeker in the near future once I am done graduating college, employers often hire business or economics graduates that can handle the many different types of software that businesses use.  Some of which are things like PowerPoint, spreadsheets, and databases.  Businesses want their newly hired employees to hit the ground running and already be able to navigate their way through different application software such as the aforementioned.  Spreadsheets and PowerPoint seem to me like they will be the most useful in my future.

            The internet is something that has changed our world for good and is only going to continue to grow in usefulness and popularity.  The fact that we got to learn about the different aspects of the internet is really important for just about anybody.  The ability to create and maintain a webpage is so invaluable to just about anyones future including my own.  People will pay you to do that, let a lone it would be a good idea if you wanted to make some money on the side.

            All in all, with the prevalence and usefulness of computers it is a good idea for anyone to get a good basic understanding of the many different aspects that involve computers and computer systems.  Computers have become a huge part of everyone’s life and its only going to become more like this in the future.  I am very glad that I took this class not only to satisfy my major requirement but also to walk away with a basic understanding of how computers work and operate.  Many questions that I had prior to taking this course have been answered and it has spiked a new found interest to learn that much more about computers.

