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Anthony Cusimano

Ch. 2 Assignment



Ch. 2 Assignment RAM


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            This website first defines what the abbreviation of RAM is which is Random Access Memory as well as going into when it was created and its used.  Then they go into the different types of RAM such as “SRAMs (static RAMs) which stores data in a state of a flip flop, DRAMs (dynamic RAMs), Flash, and EPROM which stores data as a charge in a capacitor.  They go on to talk about RAM swapping, security concerns and the recent developments with RAM.


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            Just as in the last website this site goes into explaining the abbreviation of what RAM stands for and also to how its used and what it is exactly.  They then go on to talk about how big ram is and how much storage is can handle.  They also answer the question as to why it is called random access.  They describe what RAM looks like, how data is accessed, and how RAMs effectiveness is measured.  At the end they have a table showing RAM technology, its application and location in the computer, its access speed range, ports, as well as its characteristics. Module 2e1

            This website discusses RAM in terms of how it relates to the motherboard and the computer as a whole as well as why it is used, particularly about how it relates to the CPU.  First they discuss the historical background of RAM starting in the 80s.  Then they go into the different types of RAM that are used and their different applications.  They give explanations of DRAM types as well as talk about how RAM and the motherboard are related.  The website concludes by explaining RAM speeds and Peak Bandwidth.

